Wake me up when October Ends.

Hello all! its been ages! so i thought i’d put up an update!
I gave a TedX talk in the vein of The Six Sentinels at TedXUoA. The YouTube  which should be available for all soon.

in other news, My Dystopian-esqnovel sits at approximate 140,000 words at a edited 40%.
I’m im aiming to be finished by End of 1st November (my self imposed due date!)
After which i will try and work on The Arabian Science Fantasy Novel “Of Sands and Sihr” (The first book of Ten planned)

in other realms of news I’ve begun to apply for Masters applications hopefully to get into someone, somewhere. Probably UoA here in Auckland or Australia.
Also the Debut Album (although no songs even begun to be finished) Has a title which i shall reveal as soon as i can finish a few songs for it.

Prose Weaver my company is looking to get some coding done.
Hope everyone is good and happy living life. I’ll bring more updates in a fortnight.
